
At AHS, our goal is to see students succeed. Instruction is focused around the curriculum standards as dictated by the state of NC and personalized for students by certified teachers.

Students in grades 9-12 are each issued a school Chromebook to use in their daily instruction. Many of the students' assignments can be completed online, providing immediate feedback and allowing parents with opportunities to view their child's work easily.

We conduct regular testing in order to assess each student's understanding of the material and to measure their growth over the course of the year. If you would like to know what tests are conducted at each grade level, please visit the Assessment & Accountability page.

If you have questions about the curriculum or the testing process, please contact your child's teacher for more information.

Course Selection
Students are responsible for selecting and completing the required courses for their chosen career path.

Graduation Requirements

Test Prep
Students planning to attend college or university need to take the ACT or the SAT. There are tools available to help you prepare!

If you're planning to start your career immediately following graduation, you should consider taking a WorkKeys test. WorkKeys help measure your skills and learn how you stack up to employer expectations. Silver, gold, and platinum scores may improve your chances of landing a job.

Internships & Jobs
Each semester, interested students may have the opportunity to apply for internships through the CTE department.